Thursday, November 29, 2018

Inadequate Sleep boosts Appetite

Loosing few hours of precious sleep each night can leave you with more than an eye bug and a sleepy day. Lack of enough sleep can literally add up several pounds to your weighing scale. The connection between inadequate sleep and obesity is so strong that we can no longer take this fact for granted.

Inadequate Sleep boosts Appetite
Inadequate Sleep boosts's the science behind it

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Not having enough sleep messes up with the body's hormones and metabolism.

Scientific studies show that inadequate sleep decreases leptin hormone and increases ghrelin hormone in the body leading to an increase in appetite, which can consequently, lead to an inevitable weight gain.

The role of leptin and ghrelin

Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells whose purpose is to suppress appetite and increase metabolism. However, even when obese people have high leptin levels, their body has become immune to it's effect.

Moreover, leptin promotes inflammation, an important precursor in the development of many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and inflammatory bowel disorder.

Ghrelin is a hormone produced by the stomach whose role is to increase appetite and make you feel hungry.

Don't underestimate appetite's critical role in weight gain. The role of leptin and ghrelin in appetite control is recognized in the use of ghrelin-suppresing drug to curb one's appetite to loose weight.

A study shows that individuals who sleep less than 7 hours each night consequently eat more when they are awake.

How long is an adequate sleep?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the number of hours of sleep considered adequate for a person varies by age group:

  • Teenagers (14-17 years old) should get around 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
  • Young adult (18-25 years old) should get around 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Adults (26-64 years old) should get around 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
  • Older adults (65 years old and above) should get around 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

There are people who want to desperately loose weight only to be defeated by their good appetite and poor self control. Compounding the problem is the presence of stress which can inevitably add more pounds to the scale.

At some point, an overweight person will want to shed off those extra pounds, but the harsh reality is it's easier to gain fats rather than to loose them. You certainly can't loose all those nasty pounds overnight...well, unless you undergo liposuction. Many people give up on loosing weight because they loose motivation owing to the fact that the weight loss journey is both hard and long.

It may seem futile at first, but habit builds a strong foundation. Why not start off your weight loss initiative with an adequate good night's sleep.


Markwald, Rachel R et al. “Impact of insufficient sleep on total daily energy expenditure, food intake, and weight gain” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 110,14 (2013): 5695-700.

Prinz P (2004) Sleep, appetite, and obesity—What is the link? PLoS Med 1(3): e61.

National Sleep Foundation. How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Liver: the only internal organ that can fully regener

Sitting in your abdomen is a massive internal organ weighing 3 lbs (1.3 kg), without which, you can't possibly survive. It's your liver. Amazingly, liver is the only internal organ of a human being that can fully regenerate itself.

Liver: the only internal organ that can fully regenerate
Liver: the only internal organ that can fully regenerate

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Even if just a quarter of a human liver is left, it can grow back to it's full size. That's good news because our liver is critical to our survival. Unlike other organs, the liver regenerates both it's tissues and functions, leaving no scar.

Our liver detoxifies our blood. All the stuffs you've ingested is screened by your liver to ensure you don't end up with sepsis or blood poisoning.

The ability to regenerate is a magnificent feat that serves us well, but do know that while the liver can grow back to it's full mass, regenerated liver tissue is unable to mold back in it's original shape. So, don't expect a perfectly shaped liver. The good thing is liver regeneration doesn't leave a scar, but fully functioning cells.

That doesn't mean one should abuse this organ. The liver's ability to regenerate itself is not a good excuse to drink excessive alcohol because the liver has a limit to regeneration. If it's damaged beyond the point of repair, like in the case of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, then a liver transplant is necessary. However, it is a tragic fact that people needing liver transplant far exceeds donor liver.

The liver's ability to regenerate itself is essential to the recovery of patients who have portion of their liver removed because of a disease or an injury. Liver regeneration is also vital in liver's daily function as this organ usually comes across noxious chemicals and molecules in it's detoxification job.

Important functions of the liver includes the production of important proteins, storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals, and the production of bile. The liver produces about 700 ml of bile everyday which is necessary for fat digestion.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

10 Horrible Facts about Common Cold

Who doesn't hate coming down with watery eyes, runny nose, uncontrollable sneeze, clogged nose, headache, cough, and sore throat -- the frequent signs and symptoms of common cold. No one obcourse, ironically, we all had it. Now, how about we look into some of the facts that makes common cold a clever and dangerous disease that shouldn't be taken lightly.

10 Horrible Facts about Common Cold
10 Horrible Facts about Common Cold

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. More than 200 types of virus is responsible for causing common cold in humans. Among the most common are rhinovirus, corona virus, and influenza virus. That means, building an immunity against common cold is hard. In fact, there is no vaccine against common cold. This is one disease we can't help but get multiple times each year.

2. You may want to count. Each year, adult usually get ill with common cold about 2 to 3 times. Children get infected with common cold much more often.

3. Surviving common cold is a feat of the immune system, without which, can easily turn common cold into a killer disease.

4. Common cold can cause serious infection like bronchitis and pnuemonia if you have a weak immune system.

5. A sneeze can send up to 100,000 virus in the air reaching up to 30 feet away at a speed of 100mph. No wonder common cold is such a common issue to spread. Now, imagine a confined room filled with people, one uncovered sneeze is enough to infect them.

6. Common cold may seem like a light illness, but this disease causes children in the United States to lose millions of school days each year.

7. Recovery from common cold takes 7 to 10 days. Now, that doesn't sound like a short time.

8. A person infected with common cold can continue to spread it's virus for up to 3 weeks! Makes me think that their's really no escaping this disease, especially when combined with poor sanitation.

9. There is no cure to treat common cold, only supportive and symptomatic care. In the end, you are depending on your own immune system to fight off this infection.

10. In Japan, it is unacceptable to blow your nose in public. Good luck with your runny nose!

The Lifesaving Purpose of Pets

Why do we have pets? We humans are wired to be social beings. But, let's face it, there are times when being with fellow humans can be really painful and stressful. Ever wonder why cats and dogs have an enormous fanbase online?

The Lifesaving Purpose of Pets
The Lifesaving Purpose of Pets

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Does the comradery of a pet serves a purpose? Research reveals that pets provide such a strong support, at times, even more effective than the support we get from our family, spouse, or close friend.

Don't underestimate the huge emotional impact that pets have on us. There are documentaries of people who survived tough times thanks to their pet, which will make you see pets in a new light.

Studies reveal that the presence of a dog improves performance and lessens error. Furthermore, pets are beneficial to the cardiovascular system as their mere presence lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

It may have been our natural instinct to find a way to fill our longing and cut down on stress by befriending those who can actually help us.

Having a pet lowers the risk of depression and boosts the immune system.

Dogs at workplaces and hospital (eg. therapy dogs) are beneficial to employees as they reduce stress and anxiety, improve work performance, and increase social interactions.

Did you notice that the presence of dogs in a social setting remarkably improves social interaction among humans. Individuals are more likely to engage in a conversation with a stranger if they are accompanied by a dog.

We battle with stress everyday. Even simple things can make or  ruin our mood. Isn't it refreshing to realize that the mere presence of a pet cuts down on stress.

Pets build a part of our mental and physical health so make sure to take care care of your buddies.

Friday, November 23, 2018

12 Facts about Phenytoin

Phenytoin is an anti-epileptic drug used to treat and prevent seizure. Want to know more facts about it?

12 Facts about Phenytoin
12 Facts about Phenytoin

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. Phenytoin had been used since 1938 to treat seizure.

2. Do not stop taking phenytoin abruptly unless directed by your doctor because this can aggravate seizure attacks.

3. Long term use of phenytoin can reduce Vitamin D in the body making the individual prone to skeletal problems such as fracture and osteoporosis.

4. Phenytoin can reduce insulin release which can lead to high blood sugar level.

5. Taking phenytoin can make some people suicidal.

6. Phenytoin can be taken either with or without food.

7. If you miss one dose of phenytoin and it's almost time for your next dose, do not take double dose.

8. Phenytoin decreases the effectivenes of birth control pills.

9. Calcium impedes the absorption of phenytoin.

10. Nystagmus, or the involuntary jerking of the eyes, is the most common side effect of phenytoin in children, but does not affect the child's vision.

11. About half of children taking phenytoin experience swelling of the gums.

12 . Individuals taking high dose of phenytoin may experience excessive growth of hair of the face and body.

11 Facts about Seizure in Newborn Babies

11 Facts about Seizure in Newborn Babies
11 Facts about Seizure in Newborn Babies

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. Seizure happens when clusters of neurons get excited uncontrollably all at once.

2. Seizure is usually the first sign of an underlying neurological problem in newborn.

3. 1 to 5 in every 1000 live births are afflicted with neonatal seizure.

4. Preterm babies have higher incidence of seizure compared to term birth babies.

5. If seizure is left untreated, it can cause further damage to the developing brain of the newborn.

6. Seizure in newborn has many etiology, like:
intracranial hemorrhage
hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy

7. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is the most common cause of seizure in term birth babies.

8. Continous video-electroencephalogram (cEEG) monitoring is the gold standard to diagnose neonatal seizure.

9. Most cases of neonatal seizure are asymptomatic.

10. Electroclinical dissociation describes the phenomenon when a seizure activity is detected by cEEG, but the baby does not show any clinical symptom of a seizure attack.

11. Prognosis of seizure in newborn is based on etiology. Seizure caused by hypocalcemia has better prognosis than seizure caused by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

13 Facts about Varicose viens

Varicose viens are dilated and twisted viens usually with bluish tinge commonly seen on the lower extremities.

13 Facts about Varicose viens
13 Facts about Varicose viens

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. In healthy viens, there are one way valves which prevent pooling of the blood, however in varicose viens, the valves are faulty, not closing properly which allows blood to backflow and accumulate in the viens leading to bulging and pain.

2. Genetics is the number one predisposing factor in developing varicose viens.

3. Obesity, advancing age, pregnancy, prolong standing and prolong sitting contributes to the formation of varicose viens.

4. Varicose vien affects more female than male.

5. Exercise, leg elevation, and use of compressive stocking are beneficial to individuals with varicose viens.

6. Having varicose viens increases the risk of forming blood clots (thrombus) which can travel to the lungs and cause pulmonary embolism.

7. Avoid standing or sitting for a long period of time as gravity puts pressure on the viens of the lower extremities.

8. When walking or running, muscle contraction of the calf muscle helps push the blood from the deep viens of the lower leg into the heart.

9. Vien stripping is a surgical procedure in which varicose viens are removed. It is becoming less popular with the advent of non-surgical procedure.

10. Sclerotherapy is a procedure in which a medicine is injected into the varicose vien to shrink it. The vien is then absorbed by the body.

11. In ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, the physician does sclerotherapy with the aid of ultrasound imaging for better visualization.

12. In foam sclerotherapy, the medicine they inject into the varicose vien is incorporated with gas to make a foam which increases the surface area of the medicine making it suitable to shrink larger varicosities.

13. In endovenous thermal ablation, a radiofrequency catheter is inserted into the vien with the guide of ultrasound imaging, which closes the vien by cauterizing it.

How to make Garlic Oil?

Garlic is sensational for it's culinary and medicinal wonders. It's a superfood that's commonly sitting in the kitchen.

Want to add flavor to soup or scrambled egg? Then, how about we use garlic oil?

How to make Garlic Oil?
How to make Garlic Oil?

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Making garlic oil is easy. Here's a step by step guide.

  • 8 cloves crushed garlic
  • 1 cup edible oil of your choice

Instruction to make garlic oil:
  1. Pour 8 cloves crushed garlic and 1 cup oil in a saucepan.
  2. Put it under medium heat and stir occasionally for about 5 minutes or until the garlic turns golden brown.
  3. Strain the garlic bits off.
  4. Pour in the garlic oil in a glass container and let it cool.
  5. Store in the body of a refrigerator for up to 1 week.


Do not store garlic oil in room temperature so you don't risk contracting botulism.

If you'd like, you can also leave the garlic bits in the garlic oil so you'll get a stronger taste.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Honey and Lemon for Cough

The combo of honey and lemon as a home remedy for cough is popular for good reasons. Honey is a demulcent, which means that it forms a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat to soothe and prevent abrasion. In addition, honey acts a natural cough suppressant.

Lemon, a citrus fruit, is rich in Vitamin C which is advantageous to the immune system.

Honey and Lemon for Cough
Honey and Lemon for Cough

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Who doesn't hate a bout of cough? Although it's a natural reflex to help expel pledge and secretions from the airways, there are times when it's doing more annoyance. Here's a classic twist of honey and lemon you should try to ease your cough.

  •     1 cup or 8 ounce warm water
  •     1 piece fresh lemon
  •     2 teaspoon honey
  •     juicer

  1.     To obtain more juice from a lemon, soak it in warm water for about 15 minutes before you juice it.
  2.     Pour 1 cup or 8 ounce warm water in a mug
  3.     Cut a lemon in half
  4.     Use a juicer to juice the lemon, strain it and pour it into the mug
  5.     Add 2 tsp honey
  6.     Stir and Enjoy!

Do note that honey and lemon is safe for children above 1 years old. Children less than 1 year old shouldn't be given honey because of risk of botulism.

Anger and Depression Lowers Immunity, Promotes Inflammation

Did you know that when you're angry or depressed, your immune system is also failing you. With lower immunity arises health concerns such as sluggish wound healing and delayed recovery from infection.

Both anger and drepression is linked to high levels of cytokines which promotes inflammamation. Chronic inflammation is linked to the development of many diseases like cardiovascular disease, colitis, and inflammatory bowel disorder.

High levels of cytokines helps explain why those with anger or depression experience social withdrawal, loss of appetite, and sluggishness.

Anger and Depression Lowers Immunity, Promotes Inflammation
Anger and Depression Lowers Immunity, Promotes Inflammation

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Anger and depression are two different emotion but they share several bad things in common that have tremendous impact to the well-being of an individual.

Being angry or depressed makes you vulnerable to diseases because the levels of antibody in your body flunks. If that's not scary enough, imagine this. Did you know that up to 2 hours following an anger outburst, you double your risk of having a sudden heart attack and triple your risk of having a stroke.

Negative emotion have a huge impact in one's mental and physical health. A topic that shouldn't be taken lightly.


Stress plays a huge role in bringing about these negative emotions of anger and extreme sadness. In today's hectic society, it's virtually impossible to avoid stress, but there are ways to combat them.

Monday, November 12, 2018

General Anesthesia cuts down Child's Intelligence

Their are cases when children have to undergo surgery and be given general anesthesia. Undergoing surgery is scary enough. Even so, knowing that general anesthesia can cut down a child's intelligence can freak out some parents.

General Anesthesia cuts down Child's Intelligence
General Anesthesia cuts down Child's Intelligence

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

A child's brain development during their formative years (6-12 years old) raises great concern among parents.

When major surgery is deemed necessary, the use of anesthesia is a must...unless you want the surgery to be a living nightmare. But the use of general anesthesia does have it's downside when it comes to intelligence.

Researchers found out that children exposed to general anesthesia has a marked reduction in intelligence. Children experience impairment in memory and difficulty learning.

It is alarming that the bad impact of general anesthesia has over intelligence is dramatic even up to 3 month after undergoing operation.

It isn't until 1 year after surgery that a child is able to fully recover from the bad effect of general anesthesia over their intelligence. Which is both a bad news and a good news. The downside is the number of months a child has to painstakingly cope with, which, by the way, is a pretty long time. This can possibly result to a poor academic performance.

The upside is that full recovery from general anesthesia is possible.

In my opinion, we shouldn't be stupefy. Knowing the impact of general anesthesia over intelligence is crucial so parents, teachers, and caregivers wouldn't freak out, thinking that their child becomes less smart. Instead, see this as a part of a process the child will eventually outlive, given enough time. Patience, support, and understanding when it comes to teaching the child will go a long way.

What is general anesthesia?

General anesthesia is given to a person to make him/her unconscious so he/she will not feel the pain of undergoing a surgical operation.


Zhang, Q., et al. (2017). Long-duration general anesthesia influences the intelligence of school age children. BMC Anesthesiology. DOI 10.1186/s12871-017-0462-8

Friday, November 9, 2018

Does Vacation at Home Eliminate Work-related Stress?

Did you know that taking a vacation is one of the most effective strategy to shake off work-related stress.

Like it or not, most workplaces bombard their employees with stress every single workingday. Stress impacts performance, decision making, health, and well-being.

When stress is piled high, burnout is inevitable. What better way to shake it off than good'ol vacation.

Does Vacation at Home Eliminate Work-related Stress?
Does Vacation at Home Eliminate Work-related Stress?

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

During vacation, do you choose to stay at home or go somewhere you've never been before?

Want to know which one is better? Here's a research by C. Blank et al. in which they've recruited 40 employees who hold middle manager position. They were split into two groups. Half stayed at home while the others stayed in a hotel for a short vacation lasting 4 consecutive days.

It turns out that even those manager who stayed at home during vacation had great reduction in stress and significant improvement in well-being. Both group gain benefit from taking a time away from work. Although their were certain areas which shows that taking a vacation away from home is better than stay at home vacation, like immediate strain reduction, the results were inconclusive.

It is good to know that even a short vacation does a lot for the health and well-being of an employee.

The positive effect of this short vacation remained even after 45 days, which may seem a short time compared to the months employees have to endure, but that's not to say that it's not doing it's part in making an employee's life less stressful.

After all, vacation is something we look forward to with delight and excitement, even for those who choose to stay at home during this special time in the period of our mortal existence.

Those few precious days of your vacation is worth it to shake off the stress.

...makes you think where you'd be spending your next vacation, doen't it? Expenses may be tight so spending a vacation out of town may not always be feasible to some people. If that is the case, then, vacation at home will work out just fine, because as they say, if you can't reach Paris or Japan, a roof under your head will do.

Unwind, relax, enjoy!


Blank, Cornelia et al. “Short Vacation Improves Stress-Level and Well-Being in German-Speaking Middle-Managers-A Randomized Controlled Trial” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 15,1 130. 13 Jan. 2018, doi:10.3390/ijerph15010130

What? Kill Cancer with Measles Virus?

Breakthrough: Measles virus hold potential for cancer treatment.

Have you read the news? Measles Virus Kills Cancer

What? Kill Cancer with Measles Virus?
What? Kill Cancer with Measles Virus?

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

Cancer is hard to battle. In search for better ways to kill this deadly disease, let's talk about viruses, particularly measles.

A normal person will definitely dread the idea of contracting measles, but recent breakthrough reveals it can offer an effective way to fight cancer.

This may sound horrifying, but the potential of using virus for cancer treatment became evident when tumor growth progression deteriorated among some cancer patients who contracted viral illness.

One success story of using measles virus against cancer is the case of Stacy Erholtz who had a remission of multiple myeloma after she received a single dose containing massive amounts of attenuated measles virus courtesy of Mayo Clinic. Do note that the measles virus she received were laboratory engineered to be weaker.

How do measles virus kill cancer?

Attenuated measles virus' success against cancer cells lies in their preference for CD46 which is abundant in tumor cells.

Why choose Measles virus?

Among other virus, measles virus was selected for cancer treatment because it's strain is less volatile, which means it is less likely to create new strain.

You'll get a better picture of how stable measles virus is when you compare it to influenza virus. Influenza virus easily develops new strain so we are unable to gain a foolproof immunity against it, which is the reason people get their flue shot every single year.

It is crucial that the strain of virus used for cancer treatment do not cause a widespread infection. The risk of measles outbreak is lessened by the fact that a huge portion of the population is immune against this disease owing to successful vaccination. In addition, a person can develop a lifelong immunity after naturally acquiring this disease.

This oncolytic virus sounds promising but it's still at clinical trial.

8 Facts about Lanzones

Do you want to know more facts about lanzones?

Lanzones is a popular fruit grown in many tropical countries in South East Asia. It is a delicious sweet, sour, and juicy fruit. This fruit has a spherical or oval shape, with yellow to brownish peel and a semi-translucent soft flesh.

8 Facts about Lanzones
8 Facts about Lanzones

@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

1. Lanzones tree's lifespan is 1 century (100 years).

2. Take it easy. Endulging in too much lanzones can cause bloating.

3. Lansones has several varieties including duku, jolo, longkong, and paete.

4. The flesh of lanzones fruit is usually eaten raw, but can also be made as candy, jam, beverage, jelly, salad, and be use as an ingredient in many Asian main dish.

5. Lanzones is in season from August to November.

6. Lanzones fruit is acidic so it's sour variety is not recommended for people afflicted with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or hyperacidity.

7. Lanzones originated from the Malaysian Peninsula. It has been grown successfully in many Asian countries like Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. It even reached Hawaii.

8. Did you know that lanzones tree only begins to bear fruit 4 years after it has been planted.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

7 Lanzones Health Benefits

Lanzones is one of those delicious and nutritious fruits in Asia that we can't help but anticipate in delight during the "ber" months. What can I say, it's among those seasonal fruits that makes this part of the year special.

Are you wondering what sorts of health benefits lanzones gives you everytime you indulge in the goodness of it's sweet and sour fruit?

7 Lanzones Health Benefits
7 Lanzones Health Benefits


Lanzones / lansones, also known as langsat, belongs to the mahogany family. It's scientific name is Lansium domesticum.

Here's a list of the health benefits of lanzones.

1. Contains Fiber

Lanzones contains fiber which aids in proper digestion. Every 100 gram of the edible portion of lanzones fruit contains 2.3 g of fiber which is good for your gut health. If you have gut problem like consitipation, this fruit will definitely benefit you.

2. Vitamins and minerals

Lanzones or lansat is both delicious and nutritious. This tropical fruit is a rich source of vitamins like Vitamin B. Every 100 gram of it's edible part contains:
Riboflavin: 124 mcg
Thiamine: 89 mcg
Niacin: 0.9 mg

Lanzones fruit contains small amount of other vitamins and minerals. Every 100 gram of the edible part of it's fruit contains:
Vitamin A: 13 I.U.
Vitamin C: 2 mg
Potassium: 275 mg
Calcium: 20.0 mg
Phosphorus: 30.0 mg
Iron: 0.9 mg

3. Low in Sodium

If you have hypertension or high blood pressure, lanzones is a treat for you. This fruit contains little amount of sodium, only 1 mg sodium every 100 mg of it's edible portion. Not only that, it's also a good source of potassium from which you get about 275 mg per 100 mg of it's edible part.

4. Low glycemic index

Every 100 grams edible portion of lansones contains only 57 calories from 0.8 g protein and 9.5 g carbohydrate. Best of all, this fruit do not contain saturated fat nor cholesterol. It's a delicious fruit diabetics can enjoy since it will not spike their blood sugar level dangerously high.

5. Insect repellent

If you'd like to get rid of those pesky mosquitoes, don't throw those lanzones peels. Dry them under the sun so you can burn them easily. The aromatic scent created when you burn lanzones peel will act as an insect repellent.

6. Antioxidant

Lanzones contains the highest amount of flavanoid among tropical fruits, but, if you're fond of eating lanzones fruit raw, then it may be a disappointment for you to know that it's antioxidant is concentrated in it's seed and peel! I know, shockingly unfair, right?  But, if you can't get them all in one bite then cook'em.

7. Medicinal Wonder

It's not just lanzones fruit that contains health benefits. In fact, various parts of it's tree is renowned for it's medicinal nature. The bark of lanzones tree is used as an alternative medicine for dysentery, malaria, and scorpion sting. It's seed is used as an alternative remedy for fever, ulcer, and intestinal worm. It's leaves is used as a herbal remedy to treat conjunctivitis (red eye).