Monday, April 8, 2019

Paper vs. Tablet: Which is better for writing? - Healthbiztips

Paper vs. Tablet: Which is better for writing?

If you are given a choice to write on a piece paper or a tablet computer, which one will you choose?

Research reveals several interesting things.

Paper vs. Tablet: Which is better for writing? - Healthbiztips
Paper vs. Tablet: Which is better for writing? - Healthbiztips
photo credit: @korpa JR Korpa @unsplash
@healthbiztips by Arlene Gentallan

The Faster contender

If you'd like to write faster, a tablet will give you more advantage over a paper. This is because tablet offers a smooth surface to work on which enables you to write with ease.

A smooth surface has less friction.

This only shows that tools we use to write has a great impact on our writing speed.

The Performance

Children's handwriting look better (neat and legible) when they write on a paper compared to table. On the contrary, adults tend to have better handwriting quality when they compose their words on a tablet.

The difference in handwriting performance lies in their writing skills. Graphomotor skill or the coordinated cognitive and muscle movement which enables a person to write fluidly is not yet fully developed in children.

Upon reaching 14 years of age, one can usually write automatically or without consciously thinking about every words they have to transcribe.

In conclusion, it is wiser to let children write on paper to develop the quality of their handwriting.


Gerth, Sabrina et al. “Is Handwriting Performance Affected by the Writing Surface? Comparing Preschoolers', Second Graders', and Adults' Writing Performance on a Tablet vs. Paper.” Frontiers in psychology vol. 7 1308. 12 Sep. 2016, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01308

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Paper vs. Tablet: Which is better for writing? - Healthbiztips
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